Sunday, March 17, 2019

Cigar Box Wargame

     This week I had no time to do any work on gaming. I was offered some overtime; I had to work every night. With my wife's union talking about going on strike, we might need that extra money.
However, the time working gave me plenty of time to think about different ideas on my future wargame plans.

     Today I was working out some ideas on basing Peter Laing wagons. Before starting to base the wagons, I decided I should try to clear my work/wargame table. I also wanted to start consolidating different collections. On the table I found several small boxes of 2mm figures.  I noticed a nice cigar box I had picked up at the tobacco shop a few weeks ago and realized this was ideal for the collection. After putting the figures in the box, I went back upstairs, as Donna and I had errants to run. After I few minutes, it dawned on me that the cigar box top might be the right size for a small gridded battlefield. I went down and measured the top. at 7.5 X 8 inches. It's the right size for a gridded 8x8 board (although one row will be short). What's more, when the top is flipped over, it sits snug on top of the box. If I throw in some spare dice, it's a nice, portable game.

The Cigar Box.

The 2mm armies and terrain in the box.

The box top flipped over and seated into the box.
The top painted. Next I will draw on the grids and the Cigar Box Wargame will be set.


  1. Replies
    1. I had tried it before with a larger box. This one works better.

  2. An interesting idea and I look forward to see how this project progresses.

    1. I drew the grids on last night. As far as I'm concerned, the project is completed.

  3. Great idea , I've played fantasy skirmish in 15mm on a one foot square in the past .

    1. I would be interested in hearing more about that. As space is a big concern with my games, that sounds promising.

  4. Replies
    1. As the late Bob Ross would say, it was a happy accident.
