Wednesday, June 26, 2019

IN SEARCH OF: Minifigs 15mm 2nd Generation War of 1812 Americans

      With my current project being the War of 1812, I still haven't committed myself to one line of figures. While the Scruby's are painting up nicely, I'm still thinking of different figures.

     When I started wargaming, I wanted to do the War of 1812 using the Minifigs that I had, which were 1st generation  figures. During my search, I went online and asked if Minifigs did 1st generation War of 1812 Americans. I was told that they didn't do War of 1812 figures.

     Yesterday while searching for Minifigs, I came across a PDF of a Minifigs catalog, which had 2nd generation 15mm figures. It is well illustrated with photos of the different lines. Under Napoleonics, they had War of 1812 figures. Unfortunately, they had no photographs of the line. If anyone has some of these figures that they could photograph and send copies of the photographs to me I would appreciate it.

  For now I think I have enough 1st generation British infantry to make several regiments of Americans.

The good thing about British Napoleonic infantry is American infantry wore similar Uniforms.


  1. Try Caliver Books. They list 15mm Minifig Americans at

    Some SKUs have photos of the models.

  2. The figures on Caliver Books are 3rd generation figures, which are more detailed and animated than the 1st and second generation figures. I am looking for the less detailed figures. I may end up going with the 3rd generation figures.

  3. I probably should have posted some ohotos of the differences in the various "generations"; although I am not an expert in miniatures.

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  6. I have just dug out my 2nd Gen US infantry 1812. I'll try to take pics.
    I painted them 30 years ago so they are very basic.
    They were good figures, done at the time Minifigs brought out their Crimean War and Franco Prussian ranges.
    Nice but sadly replaced.

  7. Hi anyone have a link for a 2nd gen 15mm

  8. I look forward to seeing your pictures. I have bought more second gen Minifigs Americans. I have been thinking of several ideas for them, but no solid plans yet.
