Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tragedy Strikes the Outdoor Patrol!

Headquarters received a frantic call from the 3 man patrol. One of their members was missing. A severe storm came through the area and blew away their cover. They hunkered down for a miserable night. When the patrol leader went to releave Pvt. Murphy, who was on duty, he was nowhere to be found.
Headquarters  formed up a search team and they headed out.

The search team had slow going due to the rocky terrain.

As the patrol rolled on, they kept searching for Pvt Murphy.

The search team pulled up to the base of the cliff where the patrol was located. The two remaining soldiers came out of their camp.

Sgt. Gamble came down to brief the commander of the search party. 

Meanwhile, a temporary patrol took the place of the original patrol.

The search party helped in making the new observation post, with a more sturdy cover.

The search party continued their search based on the direction Sgt. Gamble suggested.

A sweep of the area quickly  turned up the unfortunate Pvt. Murphy. It is surmised that in the heavy rain, Murphy was swept away by the rapidly forming streams coming down the cliffs. His body was found under some debris a little way down the hill from the cliff. The unfortunate patrol was loaded onto the jeeps. It was a tragic end to the first patrol.

The red arrow points to the crevice that the patrol set up camp.



  1. Replies
    1. No sooner than the new patrol was in position that more heavy rains came through and threatened the patrol. General Staff is now considering looking for a safer o.p....

  2. Thrilling stuff and tragedy mixed. I often have to track down where the smaller patrol figures have gone.

    1. I came across some Airfix 1/32 modern British infantry I have. I am thinking of deploying them. General Staff is weighing all possibilities.

  3. For some reason right now I just never seem to be able to get any gaming in. This little incident provided a little fun with my toy soldiers that I really needed.
