Sunday, May 12, 2024

New Troops and Three Man Patrols

    A while back I saw some pictures of some figures of 1 inch pirated Airfix paratroopers. They used Airfix 1/32 poses. However, all of the figures have berets instead of the mix of berets and helmets. I liked the looks of the figures and tried to find some without success. 

   Last month I went to the local hobby shop to look for some paints and to check out their model trains. This hobby shop will sell second hand models and kits. While looking around I found a bin full of baggies with different toy soldiers. One large bag had the pirated Airfix paratroopers. It was a little expensive for me, so I put them back.

  I recently read a Man of Tin posting about how he puts out 3 soldier patrols in his gardens. Like most toy figure fans, I used to do the same. Reading his post made me think of the paras again, and I broke down and bought them. I received 196 of

The patrol found a nice hollow for their observation post.

Some local debris is ideal for concealment.

a close up of the figures.

The mobile command post.

the paratroopers, along with a large batch 8th army copies.

  I decided to deploy  a patrol outside, with a headquarters set up inside to monitor their reports.


  1. Well done John, your inner child can rest easy now the three Man patrol is in place and in radio communication to report back the HQ or Listening Post.
    Toy soldiers in the garden where they belong!
    Expensive but worth it, I had not seen the copies with all wearing berets; my recent China clones are the opposite, the berets replaced by smooth helmets.

    1. There might be a need to send out additional patrols, even the possibility of mobile patrols in jeeps.
      Are your China clones 1/72 or are they more in the 45mm range? There seems to be a lot of Airfix clones out there, including 45mm size paras.

    2. My China clones are mostly 40-45mm. Lots of Airfix clones out there in 1/72 (as well as 40-54mm ones).
