Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Toy Soldiers LAD Vikings

 I really liked the warring rabbit figures I ordered from Toy Soldier LAD so much I decided to place another order. Once again the idea was to order two different color sets. I decided not to try to paint the figures; instead I am thinking of putting a wash on the figures to accentuate the detail of the figures. I ordered two sets of Viking. I did put a wash on one figure and think this will be how I will "paint the figures 

The Viking figure after a wash of paint.

The different Viking figures, from their Ebay page.

Toy Soldier LAD sent a sample of their Greeks figures with this order.  I was thinking of ordering  some of  the Greeks instead of the Viking.  I might have to break down and order the Greeks...


  1. Very attractive flat Viking figures which will work well dealing with pesky rabbits - or Ancient Greeks? Greeks versus Vikings? Greeks versus Rabbits? (Give in and buy more, you know you want to ...)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. They are well detailed figures with some interesting sets. I can see the land of the rabbits being invaded by wee folk of the woods...

  2. Very nice figures indeed John. I could well imagine using these for a Tony Bath style Hyborian action.

    1. I would suggest if someone is looking to do a Hyborian skirmish project, this company provides a lot of different options for armies.
