For the Bluvian commander, to retreat back to Bluvia was not an option. After such a humiliating defeat, he knew he would lose all, including possibly his head. With a brigade of reinforcements coming up, he decided to try to turn the Verdian left flank. Scouts told him there was a small force at Hook's Crossroads. If he could move fast enough he might just be able to slip by the left of the Verdian army. After the army rested, it was learned that the army lost about 200 men at Apostrophe Hill. With his army fed, he ordered the army on the move.
For the Verdian general, he thought the fighting was over. He had next to no losses, most of those injured could return right to the colors. After the total collapse of the Bluvian army, they must be running back to the Bluvia border. Still, he decided to keep an eye on the retreat. His cavalry was blown from the day's fight. He ordered his dragoons to follow the retreating army.
The dragoons were surprised when the Bluvian army turned north towards Hook's Crossroads instead of continuing to Bluvia. A dispatch rider went back to raise the alarm. The Verdian general ordered most of the army on the road, leaving a small guard to protect Apostrophe Hill.
The Bluvia army moves forward to seize the vital Hook's Crossroad. |
The Verdian army moves to hold the high ground, and he sends forward his dragoons to skirmish with the Bluvians. |
The Verdian dragoons engage with the Bluvian dragoons. A Verdian infantry regiment forms line and starts to engage the infantry at the crossroads. |
The Verdian fire forces the infantry back. |
The Bluvian commander decides to try to advance his army in line. |
The Verdian dragoons are driven off. |
The Bluvian cavalry hits the Verdian cavalry in the flank. |
The Bluvian fire continues to inflect casualties along the Verdian front. |
The Verdian left launches a strong assault against the crossroads. |
The Bluvian dragoons are driven off, however, the infantry holding the crossroads holds fast. |
The Bluvian right starts their attack on the hill. |
The Verdian cavalry is routed off the field, while one Verdian infantry regiments is eliminated. |
At the battle of Apostrophe Hill, the Verdian commander resisted the temptation to advance his infantry off the hill. However, now he decides to try to take out the Bluvian battery with a direct attack off the hill. |
He is now hopeful of turning the Bluvian's right flank. |
However, the Bluvian forces attack along the line. |
They push back the infantry on the road. Worse for the Verdian army, the infantry regiment that advanced off the hill is broken by the crossfire from the Bluvian artillery and infantry on their flank. Meanwhile, the bluvian cavalry starts working their way around the Verdian rear. |
The Verdian general orders a retreat before his army is surrounded. The Verdian army falls back to a chosen position along the road. They have lost 225 men. The Bluvian losses number around 125. |