Saturday, February 16, 2019

6mm Dark Ages Wargaming

       One good thing about streaming TV is that you can binge watch different series. Recently I binge watched the series "Vikings", also "The Last Kingdom", based on Bernard Cornwell's books. At the same time there was a lot of Irregular Miniatures 6mm Dark Ages figures on Ebay, enough for two small armies to use with "No Brain Wargame" rules. For these games I did add a few rules.

Both armies have Huscarl stands. These stands get a +1 on their dice rolls. Archers can be behind their own line and fire over their own troops. If the King is with a unit, he adds 1 dice to the rolls. And if  the situation requires it, a king can more all his units back two spaces to try to consolidate his line. However, if any unit is engaged in melee, one stand must be left behind to give his unit time to retreat.

The first battle with the new 6mm armies. They were given a quick paint job to distinguish them more  easily. 

The pictures were taken late in the game. The blue army has been pushing the green army back.

The Blue Huscarls have broken through the green center. At this point the green king conceded defeat.

This is near the end of a second game played. On the left can be seen a white figure. This is a marker I used to remind me that this army was moving second during the game turn. I put this marker with the army commander.

In this turn the green unit managed to roll a "Retreat" and a "Kill" on the dice. The blue king decided to  use the retreat to save himself; he had to retreat off the board. The kill roll killed his last Huscarl stand.

The blue army got to fight out their turn, but had to, with the loss of the king, to concede the field to the green army.

As can be seen by this shot behind the green line, the blue army, troop wise, was in better shape. Had the king not be lost, there is a good chance they would have won this battle.


  1. Great tv and a fun game,what more could you ask?

  2. The two shows uses the same historical figures. It's interesting seeing how each show portrays the same characters. The games were quick and fun. Preparing the figures took little time to paint. It was time we'll spent.

  3. Your No Brain Wargame sounds interesting--are the rules available somewhere? I went through all of the relevant posts, but the rules were not there.

    Best regards,

    Chris Johnson

  4. I will try to do a post on them soon. I I never have really spelt them out.
