After receiving my first order of Chinese game pieces, I ordered two more sets. I decided to make two armies using Battlelore style units. Each army would have 2 light infantry, 2 heavy infantry, 6 medium infantry, 1 light cavalry, one medium cavalry, and one heavy cavalry. The only change is the heavy cavalry has 4 horsemen, instead of three.
Last night I quickly painted the bases for the game: green for light troops, blue for medium troops, and red for heavy units.
The orange army intends on invading the green nation. However, to do so they must force a pass. The green army is waiting for them. Damn spies!
I used a simplified set of Battlelore rules. Also in this game I used arrows to show movement, which will come in handy. For some reason every time I try to add a caption to the picture, the picture jumps to the top of the page! Yellow arrows shows greens movements; red show orange. Just so you know, the orange army wins the battle, but the army is so battered that it retreats towards home.
The orange army deployed to attack the pass. |
The green army deployed, with several units hidden from the green army.