One reason I have an interest in Peter Laings is the line of Victorian Parade figures, which I thought would be good for table top "Little Wars". Finding figures proved to be harder than I thought.
In my search for figures I came in contact with Ian Dury, who collects Peter Laings. Over time he has kindly given me some of his spare Peter Laings, and rarer ones he has loaned me to attempt to homecast. One of the figures was the Victorian Parade British infantry in spiked helmet marching, one of my most wanted figures. Getting the figure and actually getting a somewhat usable figure was another matter. It took three tries before I finally got a usable figure.
With my last couple of posts, I showed some militia uniforms of the 1800's. I figured that this figure would be prefect for these uniforms. They would also be good for "Imaginations" armies. So I gave 3 of them a quick coat of paint; one painted as a traditional British soldier, the other two as American militiamen. By the way, the "quick paint job" is the way I paint most of the time.