Monday, July 8, 2024

Warlord Games Gettysburg Epic Miniatures

 Like many people, I wanted to get Warlord Games Epic Gettysburg  game. The figures were the main attraction to me, but the price was more than I could see spending.

I recently came across a partial game with just the figures and rule book at a price thatI could afford. One sprue of Union figures were taken off the sprue, but otherwise there were 23 unused sprues. I bought them for a "future" project. I am thinking of using them unpainted. My idea is to use white craft glue to attach them to their bases, so if I do decide to paint them, they will be easy enough to remove them from their bases. I mounted one regiment the I  received in Wargames Illustrated to bases with the white glue. It seems to work well.

The 23 sprues recently purchased.

The test regiment glued up.


  1. Great purchase John. You could start gaming with those figures almost immediately

  2. I figure that they could be based up rapidly, and it would be easy enough to take a unit or two out of service to be painted. Unfortunately space to use them is a problem. When I retire cleaning out my basement is my first big project. I then hope to set up a large gaming table where these figures could be used.
