Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Junior General Test Battle

    It is my plan to retire early in October, so I can spend more time with my wife, who has been retired for 4 years  and is going crazy being home alone. As I know she will be trading one kind of crazy for another, I have been coming up with ideas to give her space when needed. Hopefully that means getting more wargames in!

  One set of rules I liked when I started playing was Junior General rules. I based up a lot of Airfix figures to use with them and found the games very enjoyable.  I decided to try them out again using some Historifigs Miniatures painted as War of 1812 armies and used Chippewa as the inspiration for the game.

The armies drawn up; Americans nearest camera, British on top.

As soon as the British are in range, they start taking casualties. The reserve British regiment forms into column to speed up movement as the British left is suffering more losses.

The British continue to take heavy losses, but still don't return fire, except the artillery. The British  commander starts having the reserve form line.

The British finally close range and gets some payback for their losses.

The British leftmost unit drops to one stand. In Junior General, when a unit drops to one stand, it is removed from play. At this point I forgot that rule.

At this point the Americans  start turning the British left flank.

The Americans fire on the last of the British infantry on the left and eliminates  the unit.

The British commander sends a unit into a bayonet attack. In Junior General, if units close for close combat, the attacker rolls for morale. If they roll equal to or less than the remaining stands, they pass morale. Then the defender most roll for morale if the attacker passes their morale check. At this point, both units passed morale checks.

One rule I had almost forgot is the defender may fire a volley when the enemy gets within an inch of them. The American fire, and both hits go through. That drops both sides down to two stands. With the close combat rolls, the Americans win the roll. The British lose one stand and must retreat. However, now that the unit is down to one stand, it is eliminated!

The results of the close combat roll. 

At this point the British are down to one infantry unit and their artillery. They win the initiative roll and retreat.

It was a fun game, but of course with both sides with the same units and no real terrain features, it was just a slogging match. I think it would also help having each side move only one unit, then the other side move one,etc. 


  1. Great game John. I haven't tried those rules - are they on the Junior General website? Are the figures 15mm? The guns are very nice.

  2. Thank you. The rules are on the Junior General website. The figures N gauge or 10mm HistoriFigs by Scruby. The guns are from a set of 15mm Heritage miniatures that were sold by Strategy and Tactics magazine in the 70s. The guns are small for 15mm. But look good with 10mm figures.
