A couple of weeks ago on Ebay I bought several lots of 1st gen Minifigs Napoleonics, including what I believe is 1st generation Brunswick Lieb Battlion figures. This weekend they still hadn't arrived. However, my weekend had been planned over a month ago. My wife has been planning a large birthday party for her mother, it being her 80th birthday. And the fact it was to be held in the nursing home and some 50 guests were coming, it made timing for it quite complicated, as the main dining room would have to be used between serving. We also had three guests at our house for the party. However, Donna pulled it off and made her mother's 80th very special. Our company left on Sunday and after a couple of hours cleaning, the house was back to normal.
I finally got to go check my favorite websites. On Bob Cordery's Wargaming Miscellany, he wrote of the television show CALLAN (Act of Kindness), which featured wargaming as an important part of the story. I found it on Youtube, but to be honest, I fast forwarded to the parts with the war-game scenes. I then watched a couple of episodes of BATTLEGROUND, starring Edward Woodward. As I have been painting some 1st gen Minifigs Napoleonics, these shows have got me motivated to continue to work on them.
This morning before going to work, I went to put some mail in the mailbox for the postman to pick up. When I opened the mailbox, there was the expected box with my new Napoleonics in it! My wife and I were so busy this weekend, both of us forgot to check the mail! It was well worth the wait. Back in the 70's I had send cash trying to purchase some Minifigs Brunswickers, against my parents advice not to send cash. Alas, the figures never came. It took 40 years to get my Brunswickers!.
I have removed four of the figures and mounted them on washers. As with all the Minifigs I'm painting right now, they will be given a coat of gloss varnish. |