Sometimes I just go to Ebay and check on certain figures I want, especially if they are figures that could used in current projects. One such figure line is original Citadel Warmaster Araby Army figures. I came across a large lot of these figures overseas. The bids were still low enough that I ended up placing a bid on them.
With 16 minutes to go I was winning the figures. As I was out with the wife shopping, I could not keep a close watch on the bidding, and in the end lost. However, I did see an original Citadel Undead Starter Army for a reasonable price. The box was open but complete, with many of the pieces primed white. As the Undead in the set are skeletons, I decided to reprime them black, then drybrush them white.
Most of the paints I use are hobby acrylics from the local big craft stores. The paints are on the thick side and as they get older they get really thick. I had to thin it down with water to cover the figures.
As I was driving at work the next day listening to Youtube, I decided to see what wargamers used for paints. One name kept coming up; Vallejo Paints. Many years ago while working on a Napoleonic wargame, I bought some paints from the company that I was ordering from. Incredibly almost all those paints are still usable. That night I went on Amazon. I found a set of Vallejo paints with 16 basic colors for around $26. While listening about painting figures, I found out that there is a particular brush designed for drybrushing. I found a nice set of brushes that include 3 drybrushes. This is my largest purchase of painting supplies expressively for painting miniatures.
I received the packages a couple of days ago. I was hoping to try them out this weekend; unfortunately the envelope the brushes came in was crushed,, and the bristles of the brushes were bent, along with at least one ferrule. One thing I will give Amazon credit for is their return policy. I immediately went on line to get the problem resolved. My new brushes are due to arrive tomorrow (hopefully in a box!) and I can drop the damaged package off and not have to deal with wrapping it all up again.
The Vallejo paint set. |
The container the paintbrushes came in. The bristles were in the crushed part. |