In the last couple of months, I have had little time for wargaming. While reading Stuart Asquith"s Scenarios for the War of 1812, he recommended "Rocket's Red Glare", published by The Canadian Wargamers Group. I found a copy of it for a reasonable price, so I purchased it.This book also has a quick recap of the war and tactics used. It also has 14 scenarios, including 4 naval scenarios. They are different enough from Mr. Asquith's scenarios to make it a volume worth having.
I bought some semi flats that. were on Ebay for several months. I already have some of these figures; I decided to buy these with the goal of painting them. It is a project started, and then set aside.
While doing little for my blog, I do still follow several blogs daily. Two of them have really caught my attention.Wargaming with 54mm Toy Soldiers and Tradgardland . Both of them have been gaming using late 19th century American style militia, a subject that I have great interest in. Anyone with an interest in colorful uniforms would find the American militias of the19th century worth researching. With that in mind, I bought a couple of lots of old Britain's West Point figures, with the idea of using them as militia. I haven't quite worked out my plans yet, although several of the figures are missing arms. I have two molds with various arms that I can use with these figures. I also had an old figure that I build up a larger shako onto the figure, that I was planning to make a mold out of. Another of the figures is a one piece figure, with the right arm cast onto the figure; this figure will be held as a possible mold master.
New semi flats for painting. |
The Arm molds |
The two figures for possible mold making. |
My copy of "Rocket's Red Glare" |
One of the lots of Britains |
The second lot, bought to experiment on. |