Personal issues have stopped just about all my gaming in the last couple of months. I also started working on an indoor target range, which I use BB and pellet guns. Also, although the current pandemic have many people losing their jobs, my job is still considered "essential", so I still have a job to go to.
There have been several wargame projects I have several wargame project I have been trying to get off the ground. Unfortunately, by the time I have free time, I'm too tired to work on them.
This week I really wanted to get a game in. My wife has been out of work since January with another work injury. Needless to say I am concerned with her health, and try to spend as much time as I can with her, even if it's just watching TV. I decided that I could use a tray with a chessboard for a wargame on my laptop desk, which I use when writing out bills at night. I found some old Battle Cry figures (from the old Milton Bradley game from the 1960's) to use with Chris Salander's Horse & Musket 2.0 rules. I did get a game in, and decided that for now I will use these "Laptop Wargames" until things go back to normal.
Last night I brought up my Cigar Box Wargame, and used this in place of the chessboard. Hopefully I can get more games played this week.
The Battle Cry armies deployed. The figures were randomly placed. I bought these loose figures years ago to use with these rules. |
One Union unit breaks through the center. |
The end of the game. As I didn't set any goals for the battle, it ended a draw, a rather disappointing result. |
Cigar Box Wargame set up. The terrain was placed based on terrain cards drawn randomly. |
The game setup on my lap desk. I put the board on a tray, in case of some disruption, hopefully the playing pieces won't end up on the floor. The dice box has a foam bottom, so the sound of the dice is muted, so as not to bother my wife. |
For this game I used A Stronghold Rebuilt "See the Elephant" rules, except I used Battle Cry dice.. |
When I use these rules, victory goes to the first army to lose 2/3 of their army, unless I concede the battle before then. |