Sunday, November 19, 2017

Peter Laing Legion Boer Wargame

I decided to do a Boer War game using my "Peter Laing CIV Legion" as one of the forces. Naturally, their opponents will be Boers.
Boers on the left, CIV on the right. Terrain features were randomly placed, although I tried to mirror the features. I then rolled to decide which edge they approached from.

Both sides push forward to seize the center hill. In this game I rolled average dice to decide how many units would be activated. Only activated units could move or fire. Usually in my games I allow any units in range can fire.

The Boers seize the hill and push back the machine gun detachment.

The machine gun fire drives the Boers off the hill; another CIV unit moves to seize the hill.

The Boers push back the the infantry and machine gun. The Boers rolled two "retreats" on the machine gun; they only had one square to retreat to, so one man is killed.

The CIV retakes the hill.

The Boers move to outflank the hill.

The British move the machine gun to the top of the hill to  hold it. 

At the top of the picture; one CIV unit is wiped out.

The CIV attacks along the entire line, pushing the Boers back.

The Boers push back the British right, but still can't take the hill.

The Boers shift more units to their left flank.

The Boer unit on the right takes the farmhouse; unfortunately they have no support now.

The British cavalry eliminates the Boer unit at the top of the picture and the machine gun pushes back the Boer cavalry.  

In this game the army that loses four units first is defeated. The Boers still have three units, however, the British cavalry is now in position to sweep behind the Boer line and cut them off. The Boers decide to retreat.


  1. Those Peter Laing figures are really nice - the machine gun is splendid and certainly worked well on overwatch!

  2. I do want to paint more of these figures, especially some more Boer cavalry. I didn't realize how well the machine gun unit performed until I wrote this report.

  3. The CIV figures closest to the camera I received that way. I like them so much I brought one to the local craft store so I could try to match h the paints. I think I got the right color. I originally had painted them a lighter color which I think might have actually been a closer match to true British khaki, but looking at different toy soldier manufacturers, I think this color matches the "toy soldier" khaki better.
