Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Wargaming Books from My Library

   In my "library" or "junk room" (depending on if you are talking to my wife or me), the bookcase nearest my work desk has a shelf set aside for my older wargame books. Here is what makes up one shelf in that bookcase.

This is not a mistake; I have two copies of this volume.

This book is actually a kids history book on the Battle of Trenton.  I bought this book and another in the series Gettysburg, as they use toy soldiers to illustrate the books.


  1. I remember getting quite a few of these books out from my local library when I first started wargaming. A nice collection to own.

    1. Luckily when I first got into wargaming most of the websites I went to were from the UK. They directed me towards the "Old School" wargaming and these classic books.

  2. They don't write books like that nowadays ! ,Tony

    1. I especially like the earliest books; the authors seemed to be talking to you personally and their passion for the games inspired you to get more involved with the hobby.

  3. The Second Book of waargaming. Featuring chemical warfare and hilarious photographs, firing squads - check, Interrogations with no doubt painful endings and the dictators bathroom. They certainly don't write wargames books like this one anymore.

    1. When I bought "A First Book of Wargaming" and later "The Second Book of Wargaming", I had the plans of fighting wargames in my back yard (wouldn't want anyone to seeing me playing with toy soldiers in the front yard!) just like when I was a kid. That's one reason I started buying South Africa Engineers 30mm figures. However owning a dog would make such games difficult.

  4. That is some wargames library! I have maybe 9 or 10 of the titles shown here and have seen or read a half-dozen more, but a good few I've not seen before! I think I have all of Terry Wise's Bellona 'Battles for wargamers' series (I think there were 5 titles). Of the 3 Naval wargames titles pictured, I have not one, but I've read them all at one time or another. My favourite was the Paul Hague one...

    1. I have at least three of the Bell0na "Battle for Wargamers" series. I also have The 2nd Punic War, which I actually was looking at on Sunday and left it on the coffee table, and the American Civil War one. Paul Hagues' Sea Battles in Miniature I bought before wargaming became my hobby. Before wargaming I was into model boats and found that book in a used book store.

  5. The David Nash book is new to me, I think!? If I had been shown the cover minus the title I would have said John Sandars, a book that again was frequently borrowed from the library and although enjoyed, never I think understood. The western desert vehicles and figure I suppose. What is the Nash book like ? My collection has many of the same titles as you but some I have bought in much more recent editions. The Dust jackets on your books are lovely. Envy is a hateful emotion but I am unfortunately very envious of the Morschauser.

  6. The David Nash book is a series of books for young readers. All the artwork in it are painting for the book. The contents are: The history of wargaming; The basic wargame; Advanced wargames; The Napoleonic Wars; The American Civil War; The Second World War. I would try to scan some of the pictures, but I don't think the binding would hold up. The basic war-game chapter doesn't give rules, but explains such things as scale,movement and so forth.
