This last week I have watched on Youtube 'Callan; Act of Kindness' and 'Battleground; Waterloo' twice. It has me thinking of basing my 1st generation Minifigs for wargames. My plan is for six base units. The dilemma is should infantry units consist of 12 men or 18 men per unit. And should cavalry units consist of six, single figure stands or six, two figure stands? By having six base units, I can use them with several sets of rules without the need for rebasing. Although I have a fairly large collection of Minifigs, I'm not sure I'll have enough figures for my armies if I make 18 figure regiments.
Sorting through different boxes of Minifigs. |
I have also been going through some of the rule sets I have, especially form the 70s & 80s. I do wonder what rules were used in 'Act of Kindness'.