I was working on painting some of the newest Victorian Parade marching figures. After examining the figures, I brought up the mold and did a little work on it. A quick casting session and I found that I now had more usable figures. It was another lesson in casting, always have good lighting, magnifying glasses, and a sharp hobby knife, all of which I haven't had in the last few casting sessions.
I also spent more time prepping the figures. I trimmed the mold lines more than normal. Also the back peak of the helmet stuck out more than I like. This time I used files and a hobby knife to shape the helmet so it didn't look like a tropical pith helmet. The photos below will show what the little extra work to the mold and figures resulted in.
Donna and I are preparing for another week of camping. I poured some more figures to take along with me. While going through my log of molds, I came across one of the first molds I did, a mounted Victorian officer in a spiked helmet. I casted a few of these. I was disappointed originally with this mold as the spike didn't form correctly. However, I really never painted any of these figures up so I'll bring them along and finish some of them. I've been toying with the idea of forming 12 man regiments of Peter Laing Victorian Parade figures; these mounted officers could be their colonels.
I also did get a war-game in this weekend. I dare say it really isn't worth the effort to report on. I will just post a couple of picture of the action.
The figure on the left is before I worked on the mold, the figure on right after. As can be seen the arms and base are complete on the right figure. I also tried to shape the helmet to look more like a home service helmet. |
You can see the difference in the helmets. The figure on the right still needs some paint before getting its' coat of gloss lacquer. |
The Brookshire army (on left) is trying to hold onto the crossroads, the Shiak army is trying to seize it. This game was based on ONE HOUR WARGAMES scenario #27. |
The Shiak army formed two units of jagers for this campaign. |
The Shiak army captured the crossroads. Brookshire reinforcements arrived (including a unit of cyclists) . The Brookshire counterattack falters and Shiak wins the day. |