Sunday, February 9, 2025

Les Higgins Dueling Wargame

 I found on my Kindle a set of rules that were downloaded years ago, " Simple Rules for Two Dueling  Figures" by Michael Barlow. I believe they were from Lone Warrior magazine. They were a simple set of rules to use with the Les Higgins duelists.


  1. Interesting It looks kind of Donald Featherstone's and Gerard Du Gre's Dueling game, which I'm about to take a look at my self soon.

    1. I actually made a chart using dice instead of cards for the Featherstone and DuGre's dueling game. I was going to try a game using these rules, but had put the book away and didn't want to get up to get it. Perhaps a game for later this week.

  2. Looks like a fun solo game John
    I like the look of the little ships that you're painting - what are they?

    1. It turned out to be fast and fun. The ships are Figurehead Miniatures ironclad period ships. With Bob Cordery's newest rules for naval battles, it got me interested in trying a game or two. I was going to used a set of ACW rules from Featherstone's Sea Battles wargame book. When I first got into wargaming, I used these rules to fight some battles while having lunch at work.

  3. The rules by Michael Barlow can be downloaded from

    1. That's good to know. I believe I downloaded them when I subscribed to Lone Warrior.

  4. I'm glad you are finding those figures useful John - I realised that I was never going to use them and thought they would be great for the duelling games you had posted about

    1. Once again, thank you for the figures. I left them on my work station since getting them. They kept taunting me to paint and used them. I still have the third figure to paint. Between the dueling game and "Dominion of the Spear", I am now thinking of how 5 minute games actually might be just what I need now.

  5. Terrific fun, which has put ideas in my head…
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. It was fun indeed. I wish I could get the photos to post in the correct order though.
