Saturday, October 26, 2024


 October 3 was my last day working. I decided to take an early retirement to spend more time with my wife. One would think with all the extra time I would get more gaming in; but no such luck. I have been busy doing work around the house that has been building up for awhile. This week I started cleaning the ceiler, and trying to get rid of 30 years of collecting clutter. I did decide to enlarge my "wargame room". I plan to get rid of my existing wargame table and set up a larger dining table for my new wargame table.

I also have decided to unbox all my books and put them back into bookcases, with the goal for going through them and getting rid of books I no longer need.

The current state of my wargame room.


  1. Congratulations on your retirement!

    You will soon wonder how you ever managed to find time to go to work … especially when you start sorting out your books and wargames room.

    All the best,


    1. Thank you. Every time I look at the mess, I realize I have the rest of my life to sort it out and the raising stress dissappears.

  2. Enjoy your retirement and sorting out your wargaming room.

    1. I am getting used to not having to get up at 5:00 in the morning.

  3. Give you joy of your retirement and l hope you enjoy your new found hobby time.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. I have plenty of time to finally start planning where I want to go with my different hobbies.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, it's nice to go from rucing from morning to night.

  5. Congratulations on your retirement John and hope you now find the time to enjoy, review and slim your book collection as needed to make the space for more gaming.

    1. Thank you. I had actually boxed up most of my books thinking they would take up less space. Big mistake! Most of the books I want to get rid of are non military books. While unboxing the books I realized that many of the books I will use only to look up a particular chapter for information.
