Saturday, September 14, 2024

Frontier 15mm Mexicans Part 1

 After my last post, I naturally went to check Ebay to see if there were any new Frontier Miniatures. Surprisingly, there were 2 large bags of Mexican American War Mexican Miniatures. One was infantry, the other cavalry. I know the last time I was thinking of ordering from Frontier in the 1990s, they went to selling mixed bags of infantry or cavalry, where you couldn't order just what you wanted, so I'm guessing these are from around that time.  As I'm retiring in a few weeks, I have been being careful on my spending. However, I also figured these figures could be a good long project for me, so I purchased them. 

The Mexican cavalry

The infantry opened.

The command figures of the infantry set.

The infantry separated. I haven't got a count out yet, as I opened it right before going to bed.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. An interesting project to begin your retirement.

    1. I've always found the Mexican army interesting, with colorful uniforms. I plan not to obsess about historical accuracy with these figures.

  3. A few packs money well spent to carry you over into retirement - (congratulations John).

    1. I have no shortage of figures for my retirement. First order of business is get my basement cleaned out so I can have a place to use them.

  4. Replies
    1. I wish I had bought more of the Frontier figures when they were in business.
