While I haven't been working on any one project, I did take a quick inventory of my Peter Laing Medieval figures, not counting the very large collection of Norman figures. The biggest surprise was that I have 45 mounted knight figures, more than I thought I had. I have enough figures to make two small armies. I was also looking through my old PRACTICAL WARGAMER magazines for inspiration. There was a good article on the French Wars of Religion 1562-1598. While I only have the first of two articles, on Ebay someone was selling 4 copies of PRACTICAL WARGAMER, one of which has the second article in it. I bought the lot, although I have copies of the other three issues. Keep your eyes open on this blog if you are looking for copies of PRACTICAL WARGAMER, as I will probably give away the duplicate issues.
I have also been working on a secret mold and have been having good success in casting with the mold.
The collection of mounted knights. |
Sorting out the different Medieval figures. |
The unarmored spearmen with shields on the march. |