Sunday, February 9, 2025

Les Higgins Dueling Wargame

 I found on my Kindle a set of rules that were downloaded years ago, " Simple Rules for Two Dueling  Figures" by Michael Barlow. I believe they were from Lone Warrior magazine. They were a simple set of rules to use with the Les Higgins duelists.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Early Morning Painting

 I recently bought some 10mm ACW figures to use with skirmish games. I  based some of them on craft sticks and primed them with black paint. 

Last night they were divided into Confederate and Union units, and I started painting the uniforms.

This morning I woke up at 5:00am with a bad headache, caused by neck problems. At 6:00 I gave up trying to sleep. I got up and took something  for the headache, got a cup of coffee, and checked the usual websites. Slowly the headache went away, and looking at my painting station, got the sudden urge to do some painting. I actually got the figures just about completed, along with doing some more work on the Les Higgins duelists. I was happy with the results, doing more detail work on the 10mm figures than originally planned. I also believe that it might just be good therapy for my essential tremors.

Some of the painted figures, along with clip on magnifying glasses.

A strip of figures in the clamp, freeing up my hands so I can use both hands to steady  the paint brush.

A clip on work light with a good LED bulb gives good lighting without straining the eyes.

The finished figures. They just have to be taken off the sticks and mounted on individual bases.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

GIF Wargame Map

    Inspired by " Projects and Procrastination" GIF map in his last post, it got me thinking of how a battle report could be shown in motion. I decided to play a Napoleonic game to try a couple of ideas. To illustrate troop movements, RISK army arrows would show movements; blue for French, red for Brunswick, and yellow arrows showing retreats.  I rolled for initiative, then rolled an average dice for the number of units moved.

A photo of the battlefield. I added a regular still photo to act as a break on label photos.

With my first gif the pictures change every second. I downloaded an app to edit gifs. I slowed the action down to about 3 seconds per frame. I think maybe slowing it to 4 seconds would have been better. In the end the Brunswickers lost; I should have illustrated their retreat off the table.  It was a fun exercise, however, one I probably won't pursue.