Saturday, February 1, 2025

GIF Wargame Map

    Inspired by " Projects and Procrastination" GIF map in his last post, it got me thinking of how a battle report could be shown in motion. I decided to play a Napoleonic game to try a couple of ideas. To illustrate troop movements, RISK army arrows would show movements; blue for French, red for Brunswick, and yellow arrows showing retreats.  I rolled for initiative, then rolled an average dice for the number of units moved.

A photo of the battlefield. I added a regular still photo to act as a break on label photos.

With my first gif the pictures change every second. I downloaded an app to edit gifs. I slowed the action down to about 3 seconds per frame. I think maybe slowing it to 4 seconds would have been better. In the end the Brunswickers lost; I should have illustrated their retreat off the table.  It was a fun exercise, however, one I probably won't pursue.